Saturday, March 15, 2014

selfies on scholarship

what am I doing up at 2:26am?
darn good question. 
2 words.

Scholarships. Galore.

I'm not talking getting them, I'm talking 'bout the 56 hours spent frying your eyeballs at a computer writing essays and filling out information and expending the last drop of strength from your innermost soul.


Nice knowing the last 5 hours were spent living life to the fullest. #not 
If I don't get a penny from these places....I don't even know. I might cry. 
So my dearest friends at Society of Women Engineers,
pretty please review my application judiciously. and with some mercy for the poor girl who stayed up until 2am trying to get some money for her poor college education. 
[insert puppy face]
But for realz, I'm expecting at least something here.
I've applied to 7, with 1 in the process and others that I'll find later. 

K venting sesh over. 

So, the other day I was making the 17ish minute drive to dance like I do every day and I was thinking "there's really gotta be something more productive than listening to my over-played CDs". ... BAM. Inspiration. 

Commence Senior Year Video Diaries.

If you're LOL'ing now, it only gets cheesier from here. 

Here's a screenshot. It's pretty simple, 
step 1. prop iphone up on speed/gas/marker/steering wheel cave thing
2. commence driving. of course, keeping eyes on the road and hands on the wheel at all times ;)
3. talk to: yourself, someone you're ticked at, your future kids, future hubs, the grandma going 15 down McAndrews, inanimate objects, literally the sky's the limit.
4. music videos are optional. One Republic and Taio Cruz are strongly encouraged.
5. embrace the "who the heck is this chick" stares from pedestrians and neighboring cars. 

Single lyfe for the win, people. 

Side note: me and the sky matched today. it's what best friends do. 

Currently taking suggestions for CR outfits...
But really, I'm pretty much set with this duo. #8days

Anddd we definitely take more awk pics than not. #whatisanna'shandevendoing 

But seriously, #southmeddy would not be the same without these gorg chicas by my side.

And hey, if Society of Women Engineers rejects me, I can just be a super senior and hang out for a couple more years...

heck, how 'bout forever?

[answer: NO. get. me. outta. here. #9moreweeks....deep breaths...]

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