Monday, March 31, 2014

paradise as of late

Everyday I think 'Okay today can't possibly be better than the last', and then  without fail I am proved wrong. 

[Unfortunately the ocean kayaking was not documented but that was definitely one of today's highlights.]

^^^ evidence that life can still go on without a phone. 

Jk, of course it can, just takes a little adapting ;) 

But for reals, best day ever. 

And I'll say that tomorrow too. 

Saturday, March 29, 2014

going M.I.A.

So, funny story. 
It's 11pm and I'm fighting to keep my eyes open. I decide to change my phone passcode cuz I realize I haven't changed it in months.  I make up a combination, go to bed, wake up, and GONE. Literally gone, like I could not for the life of me remember the new passcode. I tried everything, all day, praying in between, maybe shedding a tear of two (jk butnotjk) until finally it is now disabled until I restore it. I've debated jumping off a cliff, but the possibility of still being able to upload my pictures has kept me from suicidial moves. At least so far.

So I may be going M.I.A. for a while, or at least there will be a deficiency of pictures and the ones I do have will be un-edited.  

Sigh, the life of a phone-less teenager. 

But on a lighter note, today was freakin fantastic.

So today we fell in love with: 

1. Parasailing 
2. Surfing
3. Fish tacos
4. Squirrel monkeys 

Also shoutout to the mamasíta for turning 29! ;) 

I can't think of a better place to spend a birthday. 

Loving my family and that girl we adopted (aka BanANNA) and this crazy amazing place we get to explore. 

Beyond lucky. 

[however, side effects of a tropical breeze may include failure to remember phone passcodes] 

Friday, March 28, 2014

a check off the bucket list

Today we flew. Literally. And it was the coolest thing ever. 

Except we had an hour delay getting there because of a highway accident. 

I was about to make a bet with Anna on how long she could go without falling asleep...but then she was out. 

Exhausted, SWEATY, but maybe the best adventure thus far. 

CR, you da bomb.