Saturday, July 12, 2014

summer 2.0

I think everyone has their own definition of "perfect" in this arena. 
For me over the last couple weeks, sometimes I hate how much time I have to THINK. 
It legit bothers me looking at my To Do list and seeing a blank vortex of nothingness. 
I'm like "what the heck is my purpose in life?"
But that's when I realize Summer's potential.  
I get to find out my purpose.
 I get to explore what makes me happiest, embrace those I love most, choose where to go and how to fill up my days. 
So far, I think it's turned out A-okay. 

Three things I learned on our 47th time hiking Table Rock: 
1. Anna is the girl who will go anywhere with me. Literally "to the end of the earth" to use the cliché. 

2. Oregon is just downright gorg. Even with raging forest fires. #cantstopwontstop

3. Our pita picnic solidified my love for Greek food. 

Like I said, too much time to reflect on life. But some of that time has been good. I can just be still, think, evaluate, and listen. 

I assure you that swim parties dancer style are quite different than your typical swim party. They are filled with performance analysis, slow motion moves underwater, and talking about anything and everything dance.  ps. watermelon pretty much encapsulates summer lovin'. 

This year was numero 6 hiking McG so naturally I had to mix things up. I set a new PR! 2:18. Turn up. 
Next goal: break two hours in August. possibly suicide, we'll see. 

Basics in the life of a teenage girl: You don't just go to dinner with girlfriends near railroad tracks and NOT document it. obvi. 

K so I'm jogging up Roxy and I see this tiny side trail and decide to check it out. I turn a corner, and bam. what the heck! There's this adorable secluded picnic spot with a gorgeous view that's been hiding all this time. It only took me 59 times up there to discover. #bestkeptsecretsroxyannedition

Also, I re-discovered a favorite hobby! It's seriously the bomb. I love exploring this valley with my bike friend. (not that I don't have real friends). wait actually...

Real friend evidence. No talking, no drama, no problem. Just me and this kid, content to enjoy the wide open spaces of the rogue. 

K maybe not a complete loner. ps. Nashville Tribute band was awesome. The Lord really speaks to us through music. 

Oregon coast. Breathe it. Feel it. Embrace it. 
(And by feel it, I mean FEEL it. 17 degrees and all.) 

We scaled a bunch of sketchy rocks cause that's how we roll. 

The Smith River is a dream. A complete dream I tell you. We had a hike planned on this trail via a bridge. Except that when we got there, no bridge. Rats. 

Sometimes I pretend I'm one of those hipster explorer type people who ditch civilization for weeks on end. Then I remember that I like showers and air conditioning. But still fun to explore :) 

Then this happened. There's this inside joke among Oregonians that "you know you're in Oregon when you experience all 4 seasons in one day"
You know you're in Oregon when you experience them all in 3 HOURS. 
Not even kidding. 
Phase 1: freezing rain, fog, drenched to the bone, freezing our butts off. 

Phases 2-4 were variable, but better than Phase 1 by a long shot. 

wait what? we can actually SEE the lake all of a sudden? 
I guess I'm cool with that. 

But really, Crater Lake is unreal. 

We conquered all 40 miles over the course of 4 hours and it. was. awesome. Like it's useless trying to explain how amazing it was. Definitely coming back.  

And this is where Oregon meets Cali. 110 degrees aside, it was pretty legit. 

Ever heard of Barstow California? Didn't think so. Ever heard of a teeny town an hour FURTHER into the desert than Barstow? Yeah no. 
But guys. It's probably California's best kept secret. Check out the awesomeness. Thank you Newberry Springs for an awesome week. 

One night I decided to mix things up and sleep outside. I grabbed my blanket and pillow, kayaked out to the floating trampoline, and slept under the stars. It was seriously PERFECT. My favorite moment of the entire week. If you haven't ever slept under the Milky Way and absorbed the awesomeness, do it. It will change your life. 

LA Dodger game. I've never thought of myself as one to watch baseball. But it has grown on me! 

Parks Power. 

One of my favorite activities at Gramma's house is looking through albums. Like what? Tele Tubby pajamas? These pics are gems. 

The Fab 6 has grown a LOT as pictured, and added a couple more kiddos, or like eight. Being at the top of the food chain does have it's advantages: I get to watch each one of these cuties through every phase of life. Cue the waterfall. Love them all so much!  

Between me and you, rafting is 13x awesomer in Oregon. But for the armpit of California, it was alright :) 

Yesterday marked 4 years since we said goodbye to our favorite BYU fan, Papa. It was so great to talk about all the fond memories of his life and legacy. I know he is smiling down on us! 

We are keeping the Dewars tradition alive. 
(And who even needs to date when you have these studs in your life?)

Mmmmm, warm sand. Yes plz.

We came, we saw, we conquered. Thanks Cali for the adventure! 

[side note: Oregon water after vacation is like drinking the fountain of heaven. no joke. people don't understand how good we have it.]