Sunday, March 16, 2014

matchy matchy

Sometimes I match my backyard unintentionally.
(i.e. shirt & ground, belt & flower pot, skirt & fence)
..Okay, maybe that's a stretch.
Just a little excited about the skirt I stole from Anna's closet and my orange CR toes.

some happenings this weekend....

I've had "There Is Sunshine in My Soul Today" stuck in my head all week, and I love it. 
I believe in happiness all year round, but it sure makes it easier to have some good ol' rays of Vitamin D. 

Terrible documentation, but I was driving home at like 10:30 and it wasn't even dark outside, the moon was so bright! Evenings are so dreamy sometimes. 

Major success story here. We went to Runway Fashion and purchased one swim cover-up, 4 shirts, a skirt, and some sweet shades and guess how much we paid?
10 BUCKS y'all. Coupon plus gift card, and BAM. Thrifting for the win. 
[but then we hit up Old Navy and made a bigger dent in the bank account]
Sonic slushies and bluuuue skies are great too. 

 I've always thought this place looked all cute and retro. 

Anddd spring spring spring. Who knows, we may get back from CR and all these cutesy blossoms will be gone. Enjoy em' while you can. 

Some Sunday thoughts: A speaker in sacrament said something I won't forget:
"Inspired counsel does not need an explanation." 
I have a strong testimony of latter-day prophets and apostles.  I know they are representatives of the Lord, called by Him for a reason.  When they command us to pay tithing, keep the sabbath day holy, wear one pair of earrings, dress modestly, go to the temple, and not date until we're 16, 
I don't need an explanation. I obey their counsel because they are prophets of God. 
That is all the explanation I need. 

Some thoughts from our Stake fireside: 
While speaking about doubting our faith, 
"It's okay to have questions. Now is the time to ask those questions." 
When people used to say "we all have doubts", I used to think, "Well, I don't really have any. I believe everything and know it's true." I've since come to learn that questions come in other ways.  There have been aspects of the gospel that I've needed to search more deeply to feel their power in my life. 
For example, fasting.  One Sunday, I researched fasting heavily with a few questions in mind. I looked up scriptures, especially studying Isaiah 58, and wrote down all the promised blessings from fasting.  I read general conference talks on the subject and then made goals for myself.
One of which, was to fast for a full 24 hours, and pray sincerely during my fast.
I did so, and immediately experienced some amazing blessings. 

We all have questions.  Sometimes you just have to delve deeper to find them.  The Lord wants us to always be searching, finding, and growing. As the young Joseph Smith once discovered, "If any of ye lack wisdom, let him ask of God, who giveth to all men liberally and upbraideth not, and it shall be given him."  If a 14 year old boy can receive powerful revelation through study and prayer, so can I.  Now is the time to have questions, and to find the answers.
By doing so, we figure out who we are. 

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