Monday, March 24, 2014

airport selfies

Barely Monday. 
I'm writing this at 12:14am while the other 200 passengers aboard this flight sleep peacefully. 
Or at least that's what it feels like. 
I cannot. repeat CANNOT sleep on airplanes to save my life. 
My dad gave us Benedryl before, so I thought 'hey maybe I'll be able to doze off this time'...I was all cozied up laying on Ricky who's laying on my dad with my bean bag pillow and complimentary blanket, and, NADA. 
Zero. Zilch. Not a wink of sleep. 
Now I'm at a complete loss of what to do for the next 5 glorious hours. #killmenow 
But if I thought insomnia was bad, I'm in for it because my throat is swelling up, I completely didn't have a voice when the flight attendant asked if I wanted a drink, and I'm blowing my nose approximately 7 times a minute. 
Spring break party y'all. 
But nothing a little tropical breeze can't fix, right? ...hopefully. 

Day 1 of CR trip officially over. 
...except without the CR part. #internationaltravelprobs 
But "Happy" definitely helped liven our airport-trodden spirits. 

And we got some MAJOR exercise chasing Ricky from terminal to terminal. It's actually fun traveling with little kids because their excitement is so contagious. 

I really, truly, TRULY wish I had Anna's sleeping skillz. That lady falls asleep anytime, anywhere. When we went to Utah together a year or two ago, we got in a fight one day and gave each other the silent treatment during a lengthy car interval. She of course slept the whole time and when she woke up said, "How long was I asleep for that gaining-back-my-self-worth nap?" I cracked up, and it's been in the quote book ever since. 

We did have a decent time roaming around SLC airport eating froyo and people-watching. 

And we're gonna be seriously tired of our playlists by the end of this thing. Luckily we can just switch ;) #whatsmineisyours 

'Gotta admit the views aren't bad. 

Especially Utah peaks. [which will be HOME in not too long....eek!] 

how we do 4 hour layovers. Clearly I am the righteous one with the scriptures ;) 

Crack-addict passport pictures are hilar. And we are no exception. I'll spare you the visual. 


Like seriously we can't do this much longer. 

14 hours down, 8 to go. 

Glad I have that girl by my side to keep me sane. 

....except like right now, when she's sound asleep and I'm completely alone on a dark 200 passenger plane. 

Lame sauce. 

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