Sunday, February 9, 2014

on sundays we blog

So that tradish I started last Sunday? 
I just might be able to keep it up. 
But first, a few thoughts I've had recently about social media. 
Why do we use it? How do we use it? What effect does it have on our lives? 
Here are the answers I came up with:
1. We use social media to provide light in a world of darkness; our leaders in the LDS church have taught that our fingers have been trained to text, tweet, blog, etc to accelerate and advance the work of the Lord. When we contribute to the GOOD in the world, 
we bless and uplift our own spirits, as well as the spirits of others--> the effects of which,
we may never know. 
2. Here is my standard for contribution on social media. 
"..if there is anything virtuous, lovely, of good report, or praiseworthy, we seek after these things."
-- LDS Articles of Faith 1:13 
3. Although social media can be a force for good, we cannot let it consume our lives. 
I have seen the social media epidemic rampant among teenagers. 
Relationships with friends and family are sacrificed, opportunities for knowledge and 
growth missed, and hours wasted. I won't let this happen to me. 
If we use moderation, social media can be uplifting, insightful, and fun. 
Be the good in the world. 

So back to that Sunday weekly re-cap tradish.
11 things.

1.  dentist appointments. you might as well take a chainsaw to my mouth. 

2. notice any similarities here? Left: Elder Cannon's pic. Right: mine. 
yeah they're the same. He was in Antigua on P-day! 
I WAS IN ANTIGUA IN JULY. Mind = blown. 

3. Teacher strike. Not missing Stats, yes missing pen-stabbing-mike selfies.

4. on saturdays we wear pink. ballet tights, pink nike jacket, strawberry smoothies, and pink straws, duh. 

5. my life every night this week. tendonitis has been raging in both legs, it's whatever. 

6. ok, heart attacking is seriously fun. like cut-out cute colorful valentines, write clever messages, tape them on the door, run for your life. + anna's faces are always priceless :) 

7. because of my leg problemos (see numero 5) I biked instead of ran on my thursday off.

8. and it was divine. you've done it again, roxy. 

9. prayer and fasting work. God blessed us with much-needed moisture this week. 

10. during long babysitting jobs with an 8 month old and 2 energetic boys, I get a flash forward of life in 10 years. and I wouldn't change a thing.   

11. meet my lovely valentines. I spoke in church today about friendship. Here's what I know:
 1. My Heavenly Father has a plan for me. 
2. Good and true friends are central to that plan. 
3. These friends aren't gifts. They're earned. 
4. I will always, always remain committed to the gospel of Jesus Christ so that I can earn these kinds of friends. 

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