Tuesday, February 25, 2014

dear papa

 I love you more than I can say.
I miss the "teddy bears picnic" and "bushel and a peck" songs. 
I miss your trader joes stash of sweets.
I miss playing baseball. 
I miss your watchful eye as I climbed the grapefruit tree.
I miss seeing your eyes light up when I danced.
I miss back scratches, and teddy grahams, 
and you
but I remember you, every day. 
I hear you singing the fight song, I see your byu caps, I feel your energy at every game, I taste the byu bookstore candies you loved, I smell Provo mountain air,
and I remember you.
Thank you for your faith and your love, 
for raising the young man that became my daddy;
and thank you, papa, for being a cougar. 
today, I'm following your legacy. 

You were the truest true blue fan in all of California. And the world, for that matter. 

I don't think you could count how many games you had been to. 

BYU is where you met your sweetheart, where my dad met his, and where I'll meet mine. Gramma's ring will remind me of that. 

My padre looks so much like you, and he will forever be a walking true blue fanatic, just like you. 

It doesn't get more hard-core than a BYU HEADSTONE. I just love you so much. 

Whether it was yearly childhood visits, dance camps, or efy, I feel complete on that campus.
It's home. 

BYU is our passion. 

And I will forever scream my lungs out.

Plus, it's Jimmer city. 

I will walk the same paths you walked, I will hike the same mountain and see the same valley.

I will remember the 3 colors in your wardrobe; white, blue, and tan. BYUFOREVER. 

You will ALWAYS be the #1 cougar fan. 

I'm so excited to follow your path as I find my own.
I love you.

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