Saturday, February 28, 2015

it's okay to fear

3 Nephi Chapter 3.
Gadianton Robbers vs. Nephites
The Breakdown: there are two types of fear. 
1. There's the fear that gadianton-robber-leader Giddianhi is trying to instill in Lachoneus to get him to give up everything and surrender, and then 2. there's the fear that the Nephites experience from Lachoneus' warning that leads them to "exert themselves in their might to do according to his words."
One fear is threatening / one is empowering.
One is bred in wickedness / one is bred in preparation.
It's okay to fear. 
But it's a different kind of fear. 
We're actually taught in the scriptures to fear God.
So what's there to fear about a loving Father in Heaven?
Bible Dictionary: "The fear of the Lord is frequently spoken of as man's duty. In such passages fear is equivalent to reverence, awe, worship, and is therefore an essential part of the attitude of the mind in which we ought to stand toward the All-holy God." 
It's an attitude. 
Fearing God is acknowledging Him in my life. It's an attitude that empowers me to do better and come closer to Him. 

So when the Gadianton robbers came up against the Nephites, "they were disappointed, for the Nephites did not fear them but they did fear their God and did supplicate him for protection; therefore, when the armies of Gaddianhi did rush upon them they were prepared to meet them; yea, in the strength of the Lord they did receive them." 

So speaking of the beginning of this week I was suuuper nervous for a few reasons:

1. Ballet midterm. That class is no. joke. 
2. Humanities of Latin America midterm. 4 essays in one test? I was terrified. 
3. Training for a 10k that's NEXT WEEK. I was really down about my progress.
4. Job shadow at the HEFY office that for some reason I was really nervous for. 
5. Performing at the Hunger Banquet in front of 1,000 people. 

Holy moly I almost had a panic attack Sunday night with that list ahead of me. 
Buuuut, I did it. 
Not on my own, but I did it. 
Just like the Nephites relied on the strength of the Lord, I did too. 

I prayed for the mental endurance to complete my runs without stopping; to be calm during my midterms; to remember the performance choreography; to know what to say to friends who were struggling; to be confident as I interviewed professionals; and to get out of bed each morning. 

Not saying that everything went perfectly, because it didn't, but I received comfort and direction and accomplished WAY more than I could have on my own. 

I was fearful, but I was empowered, because of my Father who's by my side. 

^^^also birthday shoutout to the best Dad a girl could ask for^^^

Love you!

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