Wednesday, April 1, 2015

easter week / wednesday

When Nobody's Watching:

The events of Wednesday, just two days before Christ's death, are unknown. There's no scriptural record of where he was or what he did.  
But that got me thinking...
What would Christ do when no one is watching? -- when the pharisees aren't there to ridicule his every move, the apostles aren't around recording his words and actions, and the multitudes have left...

I am confident that Christ would use his time wisely.
I can guarantee that he made righteous decisions that His Father would be proud of, even when he didn't receive recognition or credit. He probably didn't spend much time focusing on himself, and when He did, I'd guess it was spent pondering, praying, and communing with  Heavenly Father.  
In 33 years of life Christ accomplished more service, love, and kindness than I could ever, and that's just from the records we have. 
When I imagine all the moments that didn't get written down or noticed, I'm sure it would add up to much more. 

So next time I'm alone (like now because my sweet roomie is in Oregon!), without posting on instagram or being noticed, I want to do what's right because I know it's the right thing to do. 
It starts with the little things: reading scriptures, praying, taking time to ponder, trying to stay diligent academically, thinking about others, doing family history, & taking care of my body. 
Those are things that are fulfilling because they make me a better person, not because I get credit for them. 

Like Christ, I want to be my best self, even when nobody's watching. 

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