Sunday, December 30, 2018


The month I:
- sent off another amazing district
- finished out spring term
- ran the provo river trail every week
- maintained my consistent diet coke habit (or vice)
- and went to COLOMBIA with the fam for a week

June was full of adventurous, hot summer days, fun dates, beautiful days at the MTC, stressful days at school, and as always, miracles given to me by a loving God.


Journal entry: 15 Junio 2018
(Side note: 3 year anniversary of leaving on my mission!) 
Today was powerful. We got to know the city and a little more of its history. Medellín has such a wounded past. Kind of like it says in the BoM the blood of the innocent cries from the ground. For years and years they were the leading murder capital of the world. Christian came here to do a documentary on the drug cartel. It is (*was) the hotspot for all things corruption, drugs, trafficking, & unimaginable violence. 

But oh, how it has transformed.

It is one of the cleanest and most developed cities in S. America. Its people are warm and welcoming. My dad had no hesitation bringing our whole family here. I walk alone around the block and I feel safe. 

Clearly, a lot of change has taken place. And as a firm believer in God, I have to believe that His hand was in it. I have this strong feeling that repentance played a large role in this transformation. How many people it took or why so long before their repentance was sufficient, I do not know. Maybe his hand was there all along protecting & helping people. But what I do know is this:

Helaman 3:15 “Y a medida que se arrepentían, comenzaban a prosperar.” 

3:25 “Y vieron que se habían vuelto débiles... y que el espíritus del señor no los preservaba más... y que a menos que se allegaran al Señor su Dios, tendrían que perecer inevitablemente.” 

The moment our Father sees that we want to repent, he can lift us and transform us. I hope that I will remember this going forward. When I feel broken, down, overwhelmed, sad, or hopeless— he is waiting for me to turn to him. I can continue on the trajectory of self pity and a wounded heart, or I can reach up. And instantaneously, I will begin to prosper. A full transformation will not happen over night. But his spirit will be my companion and I will not be left alone to my own strength.

That is the gift of repentance. 

From the moment I left Medellín (including my super long layover in Panama) it was MARATHON TIME. Hence the diet coke in my water bottle in the library haha.

Also Anna is a freaking ANGEL and brought my one of my favorites while I quarantined myself in the library.

Explanation below...

Sweet Kenzi's bridal shower! 

Hannah's wedding!

Love these brave missionaries!

Tyler & Amber's birthday!

And of course, emails from this guy are always the best! 

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