Sunday, January 18, 2015

routine christine

Hey friends, I thought I'd share a little routine I've created to kick off my 2015! 

100 days of h a p p y

This has been popular on instagram with pictures, but I'm doing mine a little differently.  I wanted to create habits that make me a happier person, so I've started recording physical & spiritual thoughts at the end of each day:

I have 8 dance classes per week, training for a half marathon, and daily Insanity with friends, so I've started recording exactly what exercise I do and for how long so that I can prevent injury and keep things balanced. I also write down what I eat because I love finding new ways to eat healthy & creatively while on a meal plan @ college. More on that later..

I'm reading the Book of Mormon as I have many times before (also on track with my BoM class). I read one chapter a night and record my thoughts afterwards; sometimes it's just a verse that stood out to me, an impression, or sometimes I end up writing 3 pages about something I learned or received as personal revelation.  How awesome are the words of Christ? 
"For just as surely as this director did bring our fathers, by following its course, to the promised land, shall the words of Christ, if we follow their course, carry us beyond this vale of sorrow into a far better land of promise." - Alma 37:45
{included in the "words of Christ" are general conference talks and fantastic books like Jesus the Christ that I love
Overall, I've grown closer to my Heavenly Father and learned so much about myself.

Along with these I write about things like: what I'm grateful for, how I've seen The Lord's hand in my life, anything I'm struggling with, and new goals.  I do this when I pray as well, but articulating my thoughts on paper has helped me to recognize and create the h a p p y in every day. 

I could probably just call this "journaling on steroids", but seriously it has been the BEST. 

You're welcome self, and future posterity. 

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