Sunday, November 2, 2014

college is...

College is....
...goodbyes that aren't even that hard because this place is so rad.
...stringing pieces of home on the wall.

...the dangerously wonderful reality of meal plans.

...basically living in 283 RB with these lovely gals. favorite day ever with these guys on top of the world.

...wishing walks to class would never end with these gorg scenes

...SPORTS literally all. the time. 

...and winning of course. 

...getting caught in flash floods on the way to devotional.

...weekly temple trips.


...finding selfies on your phone when you leave the table for 5 seconds.


...and again. 

...getting a boyfriend. His name is 5th floor HBLL and it's actually kind of a love/hate thing. the dream in the student section.

...running into Elder Foster and my babe Kirstie!

...Swig sugar cookies and boy talks. mmmm yes.

...twinning with my sweet roomie.

...prettiest campus ever.

...Cafe Rio dates with the dance crew.

...but seriously. 

...celebrating our 1-month college anniversary in style.

...reuniting with Oregon pals and Thai food.

...Bring-your-best-friend-to-college day.


...she think she owns the place ;)

...conference in SLC with my favorites.

...the ladies of 2200 Taylor! nights.

#caferio for the win. again. 

...reunions with my favorite dominican republic friends.

...doing what I love every single day. obsessions like PBB's. 

...9:00am mornings that might as well be 4:20. #sleepdeprivation

...the 2am essentials. least 3 emotional breakdowns per week.

...a running collection of apple stickers.

...painted sunsets.

...running up the canyon blasting the new T-swift album.

...the little things.

...wait what's a social life?

...stormy Utah sunsets.

...classic freshmen no-car-no-problem selfies.

...the byzantine empire and salty snacks on saturday nights. study sessions that are obviously super productive. 

...feeling so beyond blessed. 

...dear friends and home cooked meals off campus. #heaven

...first snow sighting in September.

...outings with my gorgeous ballet peeps. 

...and making life-size origami at photoshoots. 


I recommend it to everyone everywhere.

[side effects may include chronic stress, ice cream overloads, and what even is sleep?]

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