Thursday, July 13, 2017

Utah --> Oregon --> California

*longest post in the history of ever*
It's amazing what can happen in 2 weeks.
Well, let's back-up.
All hell broke loose as spring term came to a close. First, it was a bad cold. Then it was a really, really bad cold. Then I lost my voice for a good 2-3 days and went through six bags of cough drops. 
I could barely go to work and class. Also I developed rashes on the backs of my knees and arms that itched like crazy. Then, (Warning: TMI) we thought I had a yeast infection but medication wasn't helping (and I could not sleep). We discovered much too late that it was actually a pinworm infection.


I was struggling so hard-core. I have no idea how I survived finals week.
Actually, I do. 
- NyQuil, honey herb cough drops, tea, ibuprofen, tissues, PRAYER, not having a district at the time was a huge blessing, heaven-sent mental stamina to study for finals, wonderful roommates who brought me cough drops at work when I ran out, parents who checked up on me, Dad who called in 50 prescriptions for me, and priesthood blessings. 

What did I learn from that experience?
To appreciate and embrace the blessing of health in my life. 
And to admit that sometimes, I am just plain weak. Completely and utterly in need of help. 
Sleepless nights and long sicknesses sure aren't "fair" but they increase my empathy for those who are chronically, and often terminally sick.

And then I got to go HOME! For the first time since Christmas! *hallelujah* 

Here's an overload of pictures (definitely out of order, but I don't have the patience to rearrange everything:)

4th of July in the Mojave Desert.

Warm nights playing games with cousins.

"I may seem like a preppy outdoors kid, but really I'm self-made."
-SJ parks



Tanner ft. his luscious locks. 

My mini-me! 

Getting all 14 cousins in one picture just wasn't realistic, so this will have to do :)

Stories, s'mores, and songs. 

Uncle Christian is the real MVP for letting us crash his lake house! 

They kill me. 

The sound of waves lapping softly as the sun goes down... FAVORITE.

Paddle boarding & kayaking. 

Pro tip: Don't go running in the Mojave Desert at 9am.

KP shredding.

Rewind to Oregon: Lake of the Woods! 

The smell of pines up near lake of the woods brings back so many memories of Girls Camp and hiking McLoughlin. And the water was perfectly cool to escape the 110 degree heat in Medford! (craziness)

This is the only picture I got with E-bro, haha. Still beating me at banana grams 2.1 years later. 

Black Bear Diner before Luke left! 

When your siblings are models on the side...

Luke gave a stellar farewell talk! I'll admit, I did not anticipate missing him as much as I did when he left! Seeing him at the MTC now every-day (his classroom is right across the hall) is such a fun tender mercy! Great kid doing great things, I'm so proud of him. 

Last family scripture study. 

Pilot Rock! One of my favs.

Except for the fact that Ricky is an overly-confident 10 year old boy and almost fell to his death about 5 times :)

Anna Wilder can relate. If you're sitting or laying down next to me with your arms above your head, you will be tickled, just expect it. #roadtrips

First stop, Sacramento CA for Panera Bread.

Next stop: Bako.

Trying to untangle Rachel's dreads...

Visiting sweet Papa! 

The crew. 

I kept feeling like we were missing a person in the fam!!! Luke was missed. 

DeWar's ice cream. Bako tradition. 

Ok I just love this picture of Luke and our little spiky-haired baby Rachel.

Studied for 8-9 hours straight for my Finance final on the last possible day but I scored in the top 10 of the class and pulled through with an A!
"Yeet!" as Seth/luke/ricky would say.

Also a while back... foot golfing on a blind date was way fun! 

Definitely made a mental note of it for future date ideas.

I went running on a perfectly windy and slightly damp Monday in Provo and it made me so incredibly happy. It felt exactly like Oregon for a moment. I love that there are canyons are trails within a 5 minute drive! 

I'm talking soooooo windy! 

And new running shoes (!)

Games night at the brick house was a success! (And also way stressful lol)

Maren being her hipster, flexible self as usual :)

Midnight runs to Smith's in order to survive...

Love this quote.

Trying to go back to the gym after getting wrecked by that sickness...

I am seriously IN LOVE with my job and the MTC. I can't believe how lucky I am.

It was the most peaceful moment.... finals behind me, all packed up and on the next flight to Meddy, studying the BoM in the airport. 

Rachel and I think we're pretty funny.

Fettucine alfredo by Rachel & Ricky, salad by me.

Roxyann Peak, I love you. Forever and always.

Shoutout to Ricky for realizing half-way down the mountain that he had forgotten his iPod touch at the summit... Rach and I ran back up and down in the pitch blackness! #sisterpower

My first district left for the field the first week in June, right before we moved into the new buildings! I miss their sweet spirits.

And I took the trio (plus some guys) up Bell Canyon! 

This was an incredible experience with Hermana London. She suffers from Cystic Fibrosis (her whole life) and was hospitalized for 2 weeks during her MTC stay but she was a CHAMP; sharing the gospel with her doctors, being so positive, skyping into class, and always always with a smile on her face! I love working with these young people. 

Trying to be more creative with meals... pasta con brussel sprouts, broccoli, green beans, squash, zucchini, tomato sauce and parmesan cheese! 

Maren inspires me to be a cooler person. Painted the nails for the first time in 2 years! 

I am OBSESSED with the new MTC buildings! 

Coolest place ever. (This is Moses parting the Red Sea)

Sleepover with my girls in South Jordan! 

Bike ride / run around Daybreak Lake! 

French braids.

Took this on a particularly stressful day, but HEY they happen. 

Favorites from general conference study.

We had fun with a meme app during this vacay.

On our way to the Cottonwood Lakes for BACKPACKING! 
Definitely my favorite part of the whole 2 weeks.

It was just incredible. 
There is something about being out there, phone in airplane mode for 3 days, uninterrupted time with family, and uninterrupted time with God. 
I got to talk to Him a lot during those days and nights (especially when I couldn't sleep) and it was awesome. I feel like I hadn't had a really good, deep conversation with him for a while with non-stop school and work and life! 
I was able to reflect on everything that's happened in the past 7 months being home from my mission and let me tell you -- my eyes were opened.
I tried counting my blessings but there were too many! 

I know that He has been my daily, guiding hand. 
Specifically, the Holy Ghost has helped me in very intimate ways these past months.
- to recognize what I need to change
- to work on a weakness
- to be more grateful and kind
- to guide me on important academic decisions
- to comfort me during trial
- and to lead me to the friends I've made! 

Backpacking has become a sure passion.

(And this avocado burger in Mammoth, CA after getting back was straight-up incredible)

BOOKS. I had forgotten that they exist. I haven't read a book because I wanted to (only for school) for over 2 years, maybe even 3. 
And I have love love loved this one! It's historical fiction set in the Holocaust era.

Overall, I am SO GRATEFUL for that summer vacation. 
It was nothing short of perfect. 
Heavenly Father has sure blessed me abundantly this year, and we're only halfway! 

Here's to the rest of summer full of working at the MTC, hiking, books, diet Coke, (hopefully never being sick again ever), & the people I love! 

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