Sunday, August 10, 2014

la republica dominicana

Last month I set off on a trip that would change my life.
It wasn't about the beautiful landscapes (although they were breathtaking) or the delicious food (although I'm down for some more fresh mango), but rather it was about the people who influenced my life more than they will ever know. 
Before the expedition, I read a scripture that became the focal point of my trip:
"And above all things, clothe yourselves with the bond of charity..." 
--Doctrine and Covenants 88:125

I wanted to develop charity, which is the pure love of Christ. I wanted to come away changed; a better Christine Parks than before. 

I can tell you that I achieved this, as well as more blessings than I can describe. 

My personal relationship with my Heavenly Father was strengthened.

I relied on my Savior more than I ever have before. 

I learned something from all 22 members of my group and they became my absolute closest friends.

I felt a confirmation that I am meant to be a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 

I feel beyond blessed. Words can't articulate my love for the DR, the people in it, my group, and the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

It's an experience I'll never forget. 

[It definitely wasn't my best documented trip, but these pictures will have to do :) They're in no apparent order, some are from sightseeing in Bayahibe and Saona island, the worksite in Santiago, the temple in Santo Domingo, and airports. Enjoy!]

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