recipe for happiness = pizza + bffs + oregon lovin
in that order.
good week, kids. good week.
i'll spare you the 20 million 1am toothbrush selfies and just go with this one. love this girl.
i exercised self control and only took 1 picture on roxy. #miraclesdohappen
full tuesday re-cap and why bff's are da bomb --> HERE
sisters that jump together, stay together. btdubs we did not even plan to do the same pose.
love this cute girl. we could talk for days. plus we used our ballet leaps to maneuver the swamp that was the summit of table rock.
we both agreed that our favorite tree is the madrone. i mean, how could you not?
first sign of spring, and i am so excited.
#oregonlovin all year round.

i introduced the sis to the chicken souvlaki pita. let's just say we're going back pronto.
...because brushing your teeth in the bathroom was too mainstream.
shoutout to the padres for surviving 19 years with me and the crazies. (i scored the leftover anniversary flowers)
this is pretty much the story of my life every day at dance. so we have this giant studio right? and this giant barre along the wall. and we all kind of have our own "spot", you know? except when someone takes your spot because you came in late...or they just wanted your spot.
it's war.
question. why were dogs created. why do people have them. and why do they feel the need to ruin my favorite pair of moccs? #readytokillmegsdog
teenagers and pizza; the most compatible relationship since chocolate and peanut butter.
idk why we don't have more parties at meg's. hot tub + pizza + just dance = happy.
let's all take a moment and appreciate ebro's dance skillz.
i LOVE my adorable piano girls (and pastrano boys). senior proj documentation.
let's just say we had some free time this week.
so we trespassed, duh.
have i mentioned my 100 Temples goal?
This gorgeous picture of the LDS Gilbert Arizona temple reminded me of my bucket list item;
to perform ordinances in 100 temples in my lifetime.
So far:
Medford Oregon
Quetzaltenango Guatemala
98 to go.
Next stop: San Jose Costa Rica
ps. 27 days. i'm not freakin out at all.
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