In a talk in church yesterday, someone said:
"Gratitude is the catalyst to all Christ-like attributes."
How true is that?! I've found that there is a definite cause-and-effect relationship there.
I love how my uncle Christian put it:
"Giving thanks gives us humility, and being more humble gives us more understanding. Being more understanding gives us better relationships with our friends, family and those we encounter. Those relationships give us the joy and strength to live meaningful lives. Having a meaningful life gives you the drive to make whatever it is you do every day better, more-passionate, and tried with deeper purpose. What a beautiful life it is."
It's the simplest but most powerful thing -- being grateful.
It's something I can always choose to be, no matter the circumstance.
So here's a few things I'm grateful for this November:
My job. My job. My job.
I've probably said it a thousand times but -- I am living my dream! These missionaries are changing me for the better, every day.
Reviewing General Conference gems.
Missionary Mondays, especially emails from this one. Warms my heart!
Sunrises on the way to class.
When my hair behaves for 0.03 seconds.
Utah in the Fall.
And roommates who are unapolegetically themselves and will make a crazy Buzzfeed quiz with me called "Which Brickhouse Babe are You?" (link below) when we're in charge of ward prayer, hahaaha -- also an excuse to dig up our baby pictures and some nice self portraits ;)
The sweetest roommate.
Lately we've had our fair share of irresponsible nights when we stay up until 1:30am procrastinating our life responsibilities... oops. But also some (rare) responsible days when we go to the gym at 6am and cook breakfast.
'Tis college!
1st Annual Brickhouse Cookie Party!!
(these are just the leftovers, we had cookies up the wazooo!)
I never thought we could host 75 people in one night but we did it! Such a blast.
Grateful that even though I had influenza over the weekend, I could still go to work and not be miserable :)
Sunday treasures.
BYU devotionals. This one is my all-time favorite. It was given by Todd Parker my freshman year. His son is in my MTC district right now!
Face-timing my little Rico -- complete with piano performance and..
Math! of course.
This week I was about to feel sorry for myself when I didn't get to go home for Thanksgiving for the 4th year in a row (and got way sick) but I couldn't. I simply couldn't.
There is TOO MUCH to be grateful for!
God has blessed me abundantly this year. And every year.
What a beautiful life it is.
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