- jamming to oldies in the car
- hiking Angel's Landing (shoutout to Stephanie for talking to me in Spanish to get my mind off the 1000 ft. drop offs!)
- our make-shift picnic with the best views
- falling asleep at exactly the same hour of the afternoon every day
- taking at least an hour to decide where to go out to eat
- 80 degrees & sunny
- doing family names in the St. George temple
- watching every single one of the District videos in the visitor's center
- our angelic hostess (Stephanie's aunt) for making us breakfast Sunday morning
- harmonizing to Hallelujah by the fire
- the red rock & cactus
- holding Stephanie's brand new baby cousin Jane (my heart!)
- watching august rush which was 20x cheesier than we remember
- having no plan, making it up as we go, and just enjoying each other and enjoying the sunshine
I love my Brickhouse babes! I could not ask for better roommates.
I'm so grateful for Stephanie's example of kindness and sensitivity, Rachel's incredible puns & dance moves, Kenzi's spunky personality, and Anna for keeping the sarcasm real this trip :)
*Anna unintentionally flipping off the camera*
And halloween 2k17!
To the construction on 700 North,
we hate you.
But thanks for the costume idea ;)