Even though I had a terrible case of POISON FREAKING OAK after this trip, it was worth it to be home for a short & sweet weekend!
Anna: "Guys my hand looks so cool"
*gets hit by wave and almost drops phone*
Smith River, you looked beautiful at the time..
...until 72 hours later when I developed a horrific rash all over my body (!!!)
*the culprit plant probably pictured here*
I hadn't seen Anna since Christmas but we picked right back up where we started: endless conversation (until she fell asleep next to me in the car, classic:), taking pictures, a heated discussion on vegetarianism, and laughing like the old days.
Also, 13 hour drive was a great excuse to get up-close and personal with Allie, haha! We honestly talked for a straight 10 hours of those 13. Love her!
But also SO DONE with being in the car.
Failed boogie boarding attempts and Anna swallowing a gallon of sea water :)
My surfer boy!
Making a public scene by doing yoga to One Direction, that's how we dooooo.
Ahahahha looking back at this picture makes me cringe.
I wouldn't wish poison oak on my worst enemy... and definitely can't post pictures of it because it was too graphic and on too many awkward places of my body... (TMI?)
WEDDING DAY for beautiful Missy!!!
"Wait what exactly is our purpose as bridesmaids?"
"Host the bachelorette party and look pretty all day for the wedding"
Mission accomplished.
It was so fun to see a live sealing for the first time! Especially when it was Missy, my first best friend in Oregon!
Sit still, look pretty.
*name that song*
oh wait, that's what it's called lol.
Ebro. What a ladies man.
Cue the happy tears!!
So much love for this girl!
And Maren finally came back to Oregon after like 4 years!!
Welcome home, Kimmy! And got to see mah gurl Emily!!
The bride and all her biggest fans :)
Only 2 young children were harmed in the catching of this bouquet :)
And to finish it all off: flower crowns at Cherry Lane Park!!
Considering I probably won't be back until Thanksgiving or Christmas, I'm so grateful I was able to go home for the weekend!!
Oregon has my heart.