Gratitude has definitely been a theme this semester.
I'm not sure how it started -- but The Lord has definitely taught me to be a more grateful person!
When I wake up on these cold winter mornings, I've started doing this thing (before rolling over to pray) where I just lay there for a minute and list off the "reasons why today is going to be awesome." And it's so cool! I've started seeing things I maybe didn't see before... I recognize the people and tender mercies that get me excited about my day, and then at the end of the day I pour my heart out in gratitude for the simplest gestures and experiences.
It has hugely increased my positivity and perspective, even on stressful or hard days!
Definitely a 10/10 would recommend.
So here are some specific things that have made me grateful, positive, happy, and fulfilled these past weeks:
Scripture study.
I am so grateful for personal revelation through the Book of Mormon.
I am so grateful for personal revelation through the Book of Mormon.
Who knew that the story of the Brother of Jared's family could contain specific dating advice?
Or that 4th Nephi could offer counsel on using social media?
Obviously those are specific examples of specific answers I've received, but overall I cannot describe the peace, understanding, and direction that I've received daily from reading this book.
As I study, I write. And looking back on what I've written -- it is the most tangible evidence of God's hand in my life. When I read those entries in my scripture journal, there is no doubt that He plays an active role in my every-day. Heavenly Father probably told the prophets: "You're writing this for Christine Parks. She's going to need it Winter 2017."
That's how personal some of the chapters feel.
And that personal love from God that I feel as I read from the chapters of the Book of Mormon stays with me! It's a tangible thing that I can carry with me -- whether it's on a quiet morning in my apartment before school or reading off my phone on campus during a busy day of classes.
I just love the Book of Mormon so dang much.
Next up: friends and roommates.
Next up: friends and roommates.
First off, shoutout to Moroni for always being there to talk when I have a crisis and for enduring those studying marathons in the library with me. My life will never be boring with this kid around.
And of course there's E-bro -- who always knows what to say, even when he's 98746238 miles away on an island off Italy. His wisdom and testimony have always been an example to me. I never, ever have to worry about this kid, he is just genuinely good and without guile!
Also: shoutout to Chandler George & Jared. With an engaged roommate I was thinking she and the fiancée would be largely MIA this semester... but boy was I wrong! We are like family. And thank goodness Chan is home when things like THIS happen!!! This horrendous beast dropped in front of my face while I was doing dishes. Somehow Chan knew by the pitch of my scream to come running with his shoe at the ready to kill, hahaha. Also he and Jared scraped my car when it had like 3.5 feet of snow and a solid inch of ice on it, they're the best. (even though one of my car doors was still frozen shut, hahaha oh Utah...)
Like who wouldn't want to have a fajita party on a Sunday evening?
Hahaha, I love Stephanie Wilkinson! It's just funny because normally she is perfect -- always whipping up these gourmet meals and being the cutest housewife-in-the-making. Then one day she forgot about the homeade pizza in the oven... I was dying laughing.
And everyone rallied around to help me when I got like a 2nd degree burn on my thumb... this is why I don't cook!!!
Our FHE group went to the Bean Life Science Museum (I had never been either) and it was soooo cool! I found all these sweet shots of Bryce Canyon -- where Anna and I will be in July for our 1/2 marathon, woot woot!
Also: this 9pm - 12am study session with Dallin and Tyler is up there in funniest nights of my life. We were soooo out of it but determined to conquer all those flashcards before our Marketing midterm. #goodtimes
And I've re-learned the importance of "me-time" -- whether that's a rainy drive up to the temple, going running, just chilling, it's nice to pause without the noise of the world.
And I am so grateful for my aunt and my cute cousins who come visit me and take me to Cafe Rio!!
Also, so so grateful for these kids. My favorite is finding old pictures and remembering younger days. They kill me!!
Remember when Miss Caroline was a sassy little thing and talked with that cutest lisp?? #adorable.
Hahaha I just love this one of Ricky. I remember that little chub's personality and mannerisms and I miss them!!!! Why do they have to grow up??
Dinner at Grandma's reminded me that I still have more fun at the kids' table than the adults'.
President's Day was so fun -- spontaneous hike that turned into snowshoeing.. except without the snowshoes? oops. But I loved it! So quiet and beautiful, even though I was missing my Oregon evergreens.
And going to the temple with my FHE group!! Seriously, everyone in my ward is such a great example. I brought family names and we did sealings and it was definitely up-there for spiritual experiences as of late.
And snow's back so it's basically Heavenly Father testing me to see if I'll stay positive ;)
And sloooowly but surely, prepping for that 1/2 marathon.
I'm grateful for the simplest things: honey nut cheerios with chopped banana, Mat Kearney songs, great talks in church, people holding the door for me, and trees decorated with snow.
And here's what my Saturday looked like. 12:30pm - 7:15pm. I was dang proud of myself, not gonna lie. I decided that sacrificing a little Saturday fun was important for my sanity... and 45 hours of Accounting later.. it was worth it. I feel more confident about round 2 of midterms!
BUT THE REAL HIGHLIGHT OF THIS WEEKEND WAS.... BYU basketball and Eric Mika, the legend. SUCH a crazy game.
Sorry, Gonzaga. We just destroyed your undefeated record and probably your pride, too.
I am just so grateful! For literally everything.
It all started waking up one morning with a little self-talk:
"Alright, Christine. Reasons why today is going to be awesome, go!"
I promise you'll find them, too.