What would you do if you knew that you had 3 days to live?
That was Christ's position on Tuesday of Passion Week. Personally, I probably would've chosen to spend it with family and close friends, terrified, self-absorbed, and overwhelmed.
But Christ chose to spend it with his enemies. (say what?) Yes. He chose to spend the day with those who were about to falsely turn him in, spit on him and ensure his death.
I think I know why.
Christ came to be the Master Teacher. His role and his own desire was to be our exemplar and friend, no matter who we are. That mission required complete selflessness, even during his last 48 hours.
The pharisees and public authorities who confronted him that day sought to bring him down and trip him up on his words. They wanted to reassert their own power and discredit his own.
Christ didn't reply trying to justify his cause, instead he taught simple truths through parables.
I don't think many pharisees took his lesson to heart that day, but there were multitudes of people surrounding Christ and listening to him that day. Maybe the majority still spit on him and crucified him hours later, but what about the one?
I am confident that for Christ, even if only one person listened and obeyed, it was all worth it.
And maybe that one is me. With the infinite perspective of a God, Christ foresaw me (and all of us) reading His words through the scriptures two millennia later.
I was worth it.
I am so grateful for the teachings of Jesus Christ. Everything he taught, by word and example, is the formula for how I can live a happy life.
I hope I will always remember to cherish His counsel and feast upon the scriptures, so that I can take advantage of all He did.
With just hours left, He taught.
His accusers didn't listen, but I'm listening.