I get approximately 79 questions per day about leaving for college. Well, it's for reals now. I'm sitting in the backseat, third-wheeling it with my parents, in literal transition between Oregon and Utah. All I can say is that it's the epitome of bittersweet. A lot of the time, I literally cannot take the excitement. Like blood-pulsing-through-my-veins-at-the-speed-of-light kind of excitement. And then at times I think about my upcoming audition, leaving my siblings, my other half (Anna), Oregon peaks, my dance studio, and I feel sick to my stomach.
Slowly but surely, those butterflies are dissipating and the adrenaline is taking over.
I'M GOING TO BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY. The school I have dreamed about for 18 years. Dreams come true, people. They really do.
But back to the bitter part.
I narrowed it down to 17 reasons why leaving for college stinks.
17. Oregon sunsets; I'm really going to miss these painted skies.
16. My 6th ward family ❤️
15. Trail running on my Oregon peaks; I know I'll inevitably fall in love with UT mountains as well, but I'll always miss my little Aerial Heights, Roxyanne, and McLoughlin.
14. R&S froyo; yeah yeah yeah, I know, there will be 12 billion froyo places in P-town. But nothing can compare to my little R&S, oh and double punch Monday with the fam.
13. Having family photo albums at my disposal. I found this gem of Rico the other day and just about peed my pants. Let's just say Dad was out of town that Halloween.
12. The temple; It was such a neat experience going to the temple with my ward for the last time yesterday. The temple truly is the most holy place on earth. I look forward to weekly trips to the beautiful Provo temple!
11. My own little bedroom space and selfie sessions. But I am SO excited to meet my roommate and organize my dorm! Don't have high expectations for decorating, I'm no Anna Wilder, but I'll put up a good effort. (Aka slap some pics on the wall)
10. DANCE. This week I had to say goodbye to the studio where I've spent 2000+ hours, the girls I've danced with for 8 years, and the coaches who are my second parents. It was rough. So rough. Then I got packing up my room and realized I have 56 pairs of pointe shoes to deal with....I simply could not throw them away. I stuck them in storage and my family can deal.
Goodbye, my lovelies.
9. 6th grade rap gang: Adde aka Addelicious Definition (still her contact name in my phone), Missy aka Geric (Goose Girl nicknames stayin' strong) and yours truly. I love those two SO very much. We spent a complete day together, reminiscing on the past 7 years and the endless memories; making up raps, nicknames, Cherry Lane park, Horton hears a who, xtreme juice walks, lava monster, insane matching outfits, bowls of icecream, mobbing around East Meddy, and so many more.
From awkward brace faces to college-ready young women, it's together forever with these two. Love you guys!
8. This is the part where I should really break off into an entirely new entry about my Anna girl. Instead, I'm going to blow up this post with my undying love for her and our adventures.
You know what I realized as we were chasing waterfalls last Saturday?
We are so. rad. Like I'm not trying to brag or anything, but come on. We hop fences, find hidden trails, jump off cliffs, discover magical waterfalls, risk hypothermia swimming at said waterfalls, hike mountains, adventure in Utah, COSTA FREAKIN RICA, find secret lakes, try delish hole in the wall restaurants, talk for ridiculous hours, eat froyo e'ryday, burn zucchini bread, biff it on J-ville crosswalks, watch cheesy movies, make adventure books, send each other voice memos, break world picture-taking records, and laugh until we cry.
I wouldn't trade her for the world.
I feel like a better me when I'm around Anna. More comfortable, more complete, more happy, more positive, more adventurous, more daring, more passionate, more SILLY.
Anna, you're the triple chin to my selfie.
The overload to my insta.
The creativity to my lack thereof.
The rainbow to my Narnia.
And my source of laughter. Always.
I look up to you more than you know. Leaving STINKS when I have to leave someone as amazing as you. Back to third person: you guys don't realize how awesome that girl is. There is no one like her. Ever. Get ready for the Anna & Christine duo: FaceTime edition. Coming September 2014.
Enjoy the rest of our waterfall adventure pics. Photo creds to...you guessed it. (I tell you, beyond talented that lady is)
7. This week was full of sibling dates! Man I love those kids. First up, LUKEY LUKE: Morning Glory edition.
Favorite breakfast place in the history of the world, hands down. We chowed down THE best marionberry muffins, hash browns, and omelettes. I love a kid who can share my love for food, so basically that covers all my siblings. Luke and I have been together for 15 years now; from pushing him down the stairs in his walker, to teaming up against Seth, to endless sibling competitions, to road trips, to sharing bunk beds, to our not-getting-along days, to sarcasm overload, to laughing about the other siblings' mannerisms, to Senior year driving-to-school-forced-bonding time. I love my Lukey Luke.
Stay rad, bro.
6. SETHIE BEAR. I'm like "hey Seth, wanna go kill ourselves breaking 2 hours on McG this week?"
"Yeah sure, let's go"
I'm telling you, Worse. Than. Death.
It was literally so painful. The whole time I kept saying "do you think we're gonna make it?" And he was like "Christine, we're going to make it" I really don't know if I could've done it without him. Such a baller. Seth is seriously the most chill, overachieving, fun, relatable, kind person you'll ever meet. Some girl is going to be VERY lucky someday, that's all I'm saying ;) you da bomb Seth!
5. MISS CAROLINE. <-- nickname circa birth. Rachel; my only sister, the best shopping companion, best bud to laugh with, never-ending energy, showing me up in creativity since...forever, (seriously she does an intricate hair-do like every day and I'm like "where did you learn that!?"), destroying me at Spanish, always smiling, and the best performer, actress, and dancer.
I love you, sister!
4. RICARDO. To give you some perspective on Ricky, he busted up laughing so hard at dinner that milk came out of his nose, destroyed me at mini golf, drenched me on the bumper boats, ordered a blue raspberry slushie with nerds, and asked me why I never go on dates. (Thanks bud) But for reals, there is never a dull moment with this kid. He is still my baby, and I will continue to attack him with kisses, even though he wipes them off ;)
3. MADRE AND PADRE. I guess you could say we're in the middle of a 14-hour date as we speak!
To spare you a cheesy novel, I'll just say that I wouldn't be the person I am today without my parents. They are rock solid; my examples, cheerleaders, greatest support, and best friends.
I'll miss them more than life, but you can expect at least weekly Skype seshes, along with multiple calls a day.
"Uh mom? Wanna walk me through those laundry instructions one more time?"
"Hey dad can you edit my paper for this class?"
"How much is too much chocolate in one night?"
"So remember that time you told me you'd still love me if I got a B? Well I hope that statement is still in force..."
"What if I told you I've eaten nothing but cereal this week?"
"Mom, Dad, I'm engaged!"
KIDDING, kidding. ;)
I really don't know how peach pie made #2 on the list.
Oh wait, yes I do.
You can mail those types of things, right?
Care package?
Please say yes.
It's sad to think that we won't be together again for 4 months.
I'm so grateful for every single one of them and the knowledge that we will be together FOREVER. With that perspective, 4 months is tiny, right?
Love you guys!
And there you have it. 17 reasons why this transition isn't the easiest, but here's to the friendships and experiences to come!
Bring it on, BYU.