It's 11pm and I'm fighting to keep my eyes open. I decide to change my phone passcode cuz I realize I haven't changed it in months. I make up a combination, go to bed, wake up, and GONE. Literally gone, like I could not for the life of me remember the new passcode. I tried everything, all day, praying in between, maybe shedding a tear of two (jk butnotjk) until finally it is now disabled until I restore it. I've debated jumping off a cliff, but the possibility of still being able to upload my pictures has kept me from suicidial moves. At least so far.
So I may be going M.I.A. for a while, or at least there will be a deficiency of pictures and the ones I do have will be un-edited.
Sigh, the life of a phone-less teenager.
But on a lighter note, today was freakin fantastic.
So today we fell in love with:
1. Parasailing
2. Surfing
3. Fish tacos
4. Squirrel monkeys
Also shoutout to the mamasíta for turning 29! ;)
I can't think of a better place to spend a birthday.
Loving my family and that girl we adopted (aka BanANNA) and this crazy amazing place we get to explore.
Beyond lucky.
[however, side effects of a tropical breeze may include failure to remember phone passcodes]